Pure THC oil may be as potent as normal marijuana usage and provides the same great benefits. Learn where this oil comes from and ways you can benefit from using it for medical purposes.

There’s more than one way to reap the benefits of cannabis. With the use of cannabis oil, you can enjoy relief form anxiety and stress while enjoying a host of other benefits. But before we talk about the benefits of this oil, let’s first talk about what this oil is and how it’s made.

What is Cannabis Oil?

Cannabis oil is a liquid that contains cannabinoids, which have been extracted from cannabis plants. This oil was first made famous by Rick Simpson, and today, you can purchase it legally in states where medical marijuana has been legalized.

Cannabis oil is very different from pure THC oil and CBD oil found in most dispensaries. It contains concentrations of both THC and CBD, rather than one or the other exclusively.

Aside from medicinal applications, cannabis oil is also used in candles, soaps, perfumes and edibles.

Because this oil is very potent, only small amounts are needed to achieve the desired effect.

What are the Benefits of Using Cannabis Oil?

Because this oil contains the same cannabinoids you find in a regular pot leaf, it offers many of the same benefits that marijuana offers. This includes:

  • Anxiety and Stress Relief: Like marijuana, cannabis oil is known to reduce stress and anxiety. Both the THC and CBD in the oil play a role in its relaxing effects.
  • Improved Sleep: If you suffer from insomnia or chronic anxiety, the relaxation properties of this oil can help you enjoy a restful night of sleep.
  • Pain Relief: Like marijuana, this oil can also help relieve pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Its pain-relieving properties are a big part of the reason why this oil (and marijuana in general) is often recommended for cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Appetite Enhancer: Chemotherapy and other medical conditions can suppress a person’s appetite. Cannabis oil can induce hunger and regulate appetite while stimulating the digestive system. This is particularly helpful for chemotherapy and HIV patients who are having trouble gaining weight.
  • Cancer Prevention: There is still quite a bit of controversy over whether or not cannabinoids really help prevent cancer, but there is substantial anecdotal evidence to back up the claim. Many have found that cannabis oil, in particular, has reduced the size of tumors, making it easier to beat cancer. Other evidence has shown that the medicinal properties of this oil can actually help prevent cancer in the first place.

If you’re ready to give cannabis oil a try for yourself, get in touch with a local dispensary. Sites like Weedy.com can help you find a doctor or dispensary near you.

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