It’s long been known that cannabis plants are indigenous to Central Asia, but a new study provides a fresh focus on where exactly this genus may have first evolved millions of years ago. According to researchers, “These data converge on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, which we deduce as the cannabis centre of origin, in the […]

The Republic of Korea has become the first East Asian nation to legalize medicinal cannabis. The move will come as a surprise to many as the Republic of Korea, better known to North Americans as South Korea, has been a vocal opponent of the legalization of recreational cannabis in other countries. Not only has South […]

Malaysia’s cabinet chief Liew Vui Keong announced that his government will seek to abolish the death penalty in the next session of the country’s parliament, which opens this week. The announcement was celebrated by Amnesty International, whose secretary general Kumi Naidoo said, “Today’s announcement is a major step forward for all those who have campaigned for an end […]