Cannabis beauty. It’s the next frontier in the increasingly chic world of weed, with new products addressing everything from skin hydration to wrinkle defense, pain elimination to muscle relaxation.

The magic ingredients being sourced from cannabis plants and used in beauty products include hemp seed oil (said to have up to 80 percent essential fatty acids, one of the highest percentages of any plant oil in the world), plus terpenes, sterols and vitamin E, which can help keep skin moisturized and balanced.

“It’s a natural rejuvenator for skin,” says registered nurse Tamara Anderson of cannabis. Anderson is the founder of Culinary and Cannabis, which held its inaugural Cannaspa in Palm Springs during the second weekend of Coachella. Cannaspa attendees received cannabis massages with products containing extractions of THC, CBD and turpines. The oils penetrate your muscle tissues more effectively, she says, “so massages are deeper and the effects last longer. Your muscles already have cannbanoid receptors, so when you give it to your body, your body is like, ‘Thank you!'”

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