There is evidence that cannabis use can help those who suffer from high blood pressure, also called hypertension. Hypertension is extremely common; according to the CDC, about one in three adults in the US has it. Given this prevalence, finding ways to manage high blood pressure can help millions of people around the world. Here, we’ll examine blood pressure, the problems with it getting too high, and how cannabis can help.

Blood Pressure Explained

You’ve probably had your blood pressure taken before, but were not quite sure what the reading you got means. The American Heart Association has a great article explaining how to understand your reading. You are given two numbers, the first of which is your systolic blood pressure. This number is always the higher of the two, and it indicates the pressure in your arteries when the heart beats. The second number is your diastolic blood pressure, which measures the pressure in your arteries between heart beats. A healthy blood pressure for an adult is about 120/80: much higher than that, and you’re considered hypertensive. Long term hypertension sufferers are at increased risk for a whole host of problems: heart disease, stroke, heart failure, vascular disease, and kidney disease.

Click to read the entire article on Green Rush Daily.

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