Infusion is often the most challenging part of cooking with cannabis and the reason why many people turn to their vaporizer in defeat. Cannabis-infused oil is probably the most versatile medium and a great place to start, since it can be used for baking desserts, sautéing veggies, frying up your morning eggs, or putting in your salad […]

Edibles just got upgraded to the top of the Foodie chain and in the process are making a celebrity chef out of their innovative creator. In The 420 Gourmet The Elevated Art of Cannabis Cuisine; (Harper Wave) by JeffThe420Chef the food is the star, not the high, and Cannabis becomes just another ingredient and not […]

The Hemp Dog Cafe debuted at the Richmond Bacon Festival last week with hot dog buns made from hemp seeds, hemp oil and hemp flour. And yes, it’s legal. “When people come up and they see hemp, they typically get worried at first,” said Hemp Dog Cafe chef Sean Murphy. “It’s associated with the marijuana […]

Payton Curry of the popular Brat Haus in Scottsdale is taking his top chef skills and applying them to marijuana extract. Curry, who was trained at the Culinary Institute of America in New York,  has a medical marijuana card to treat his anxiety and depression and has been spending his off time teaching others like Anthony Hernandez, who is […]