cannabis brownie

Edibles have been a particular source of consternation for states attempting to anticipate any harm that might come from them, and regulate these problems away before they happen.

Here’s how edible laws look in adult-use states, where edibles sales are allowed, across the nation:

Recently, Colorado restricted any edible from including the words “candy” or “candies” on the packaging, and all must clearly state “Contains marijuana. Keep out of reach of children.” The child-proof, re-sealable packaging must also include potency guidelines, and may not make claims about health benefits.

Washington gets a little quirkier around what kinds of food can include THC. Pumpkin and custard pie edibles are specifically disallowed in state law. So are fruit and vegetable juices and dairy products, dried or cured meats, or anything preserved through canning or acidification. Products can include canna-butter, but infused butter itself can’t be sold as a standalone product. Lollipops, cotton candy and other kid-friendly edibles are also off limits.

Oregon seems free of quirks of the “no pumpkin pie” ilk, but they are more restrictive when it comes to dosage: 5 mg of THC per serving, 50 mg per package.

Nevada prohibits anyone’s likeness — real or fictional — to appear on a cannabis product. They also disallow action figures, cartoon characters, toys and balloons as part of the branding (balloons are apparently the original gateway drug). Lollipops and ice cream are prohibited, and cookies or brownies have to be sealed in opaque packaging.

In addition to prohibiting edibles that look like people, animals or fruit, California edibles also cannot resemble insects. Cannabis extracts may not be combined with nicotine, caffeine or alcohol. Also no dairy products other than butter, no low-acid canned foods and no cannabis-infused seafood.

Read the original article at Cannabis Now